Enjoy a slice of Heaven. Read Aaron.



Aaron Ansah-Agyeman

Season 1 Episode 1

Episode Title: The Call of The Tengey

Restricted Content: 20 Years +
Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence.

There is a very loud knock on the door.

KOFI KUNTU opens one eye drowsily and squints at the clock on the little bedside table.
Its digital luminous face reads 2:22 a.m.


Who in his right senses will be knocking on his door at this time of day when all normal persons are asleep? Unless the person is a robber, of course.

But then again, how many robbers have the courtesy of knocking on your door before robbing you?

He groans and turns on his back, and his hand lands on the tender flesh of a woman sleeping by his side.

Kuntu runs his hand over the woman's naked belly to the juncture of her thighs, and his hand nestles in the thickest loin hair he has ever felt.

He remembers instantly!

It is AMINA, the polytechnic student girl he had picked up from a party the previous evening.  

Her genital hair coverage is so thick and dense that his dick had almost gone dead when he had first removed her panties. 

Dear Lord, what wild hair!

But of course he is not a boy who is scared of any tonga.

Hairy, hairless, bald-headed or styled, he will hit it.

Damn, he had known a girl once who had styled her pubic hair like a punk haircut.

But as long as there is a hole, Kuntu will find it and enter it!

The pounding on his door continues, louder now, causing Amina to stir restlessly.

Kofi Kuntu's hand is inside Amina's crazy pubic hair.

It feels like a jungle down there as he tries to part that hair and touch her pudenda.

She suddenly closes her thighs on his hand and turns on her side, bending his wrist so fast and hard that an excruciating pain shoots through his wrist, causing him to shout.

Ajeeeeeeeiii! Amina, Amina! Turn over! Ajeeeiiiii, Amina, release my wrist!

She mutters and begins to snore, and Kofi Kuntu pulls his wrist hard but it still will not come out.

She is a huge girl with very huge thighs, and the pain is killing him. He tugs and tugs but cannot get his wrist free, instead each tug causes him more pain.

He calls her, over and over, but she is snoring, and doesn't hear him.

Now he can feel his finger nestling inside her warm, slippery depths. He has penetrated all that thigh meat and wonderful hair, and his fingers are finally on her clitoris.

There is nothing else for Kuntu to do than to pinch her because, quite frankly, his wrist is getting sprained.

He pinches her clit, quite hard.

She bucks her buttocks up as the sharp pain penetrates the coma-like sleep she is in, and she lets out a massive blast of flatulence that enters straight into Kuntu's nostrils with its putrid glory.

The scent is so incredibly bad that for a moment Kuntu is quite convinced that she has shit on herself on his bed.

You damn girl... arrrrgh. Oh, God! Funnnn! You stinking girl, Amina! What did you eat last night? Arrrrgghh, it stinks bad, Amina... fuunnnn!!

He pinches her clit again, because now his whole arm is going numb.

She bucks again, shooting out her right leg, which catches him straight in the chest and flings him off the bed.

Don't touch my shinga!!!

Lying on the floor, his wrist paining him excruciatingly, Amina's foul-smelling flatulence driving him crazy, Kofi Kuntu hears her snoring immediately.

She is still deep asleep.

He takes shallow air and massages his wrist and wonders what the hell a 'shinga' is. Probably another name for her designer hole of sweetness.

The thudding on his door becomes greater, and with an angry curse he stands up and moves to the hall.

His room is a 'chamber-and-hall self-contained' unit in a compound house. He has other neighbours in the house. Some have single rooms, and others have chamber-and-hall. 

The landlord and his family occupy the only two-bedroom unit in the house.

Kuntu puts on the hall lights and picks his towel from a leather chair and covers his nudity.

He stops behind the door that leads to the compound as the knocking continues.

Who's there?

The knocking stops, and then he hears a male's voice.

Your new neighbour, Mr. Kuntutututu.

Kuntu utters an angry retort and quickly turns the key in the lock and opens the door and glares at the man standing there.

He is a pudgy man wearing white pyjamas with black ducks on them, his fat feet encased in sandals that have feathers on the straps.

He is bald and has a huge round face with fat flappy cheeks and thick red lips.

He is holding a huge black Bible in his right hand, pressed tightly against his chest.

Who the fuck are you and what the fuck did you call me?

I called you by your name, Mr. Kuntutututu! I asked the landlord yesterday and he told me your name is Kofiaa Kuntutututu, ahem!

Kuntu puts his head to one side and regards the man.

He looks familiar, yes, and he has seen him around the house recently.
He takes a deep breath and strives to keep calm.

The name is Kofi Kuntukununku, sir, but since people can't pronounce it properly, I've shortened it to Kuntu. Kofi Kuntu.

Ahem! Mr. Kuntutunankututu, I-

What the hell is the matter with you, sir? It is two in the morning and I hate what is going on right now! Just call me Kofi! Who are you anyway and what do you want?

The man's eyes flare angrily at Kuntu, and a savage expression crosses his face, making Kuntu uneasy. He wonders briefly if the man might be mentally unstable.

You better watch your sinful mouth, young man, before I slap slap you silly! There's no need to be rude, ahem! I moved into the room at the entrance of the main gate with my wife Dzigbordi Ami Tengey. I'm an Evangelist. My name is Godnows Myredeemerliveth Tengey.

Kuntu begins to giggle instantly and shakes his head with incredulity.

What? Your name is what? You call yourself God Knows My Redeemer Leaving Tonga?

The man's face flush with unbridled rage and suddenly he throws a savage blow at Kuntu, aiming for his jaw.

Kuntu ducks, and the man's fist slams into the doorpost.

He screams with pain.

Awooooooo! Awoooooooo! Oh, Dzigbordi eeee! Awooooo! Awoooo!

Hey, sorry, man! But what the hell! Were you really trying to hit me? Seriously? What's wrong with you, man? You better get the hell out of here!

Some doors are opening, and some of the tenants are poking their heads out to see what's causing all the fuss.

Kuntu begins to close his door, but the man shakes his head and holds the door.

Ahem, please, please. I have to speak to you for a few minutes, ahem! You made me angry, but anger is not of the Lord, yes, yes, ahem. But you call me Mr. Tengey, not Tonga! Please don't fool around with my name like that, because I know what Tonga means, you idiot!

Kofi Kuntu giggles and strives to remain calm.

Alright. What can I do for you, Mr. Tengey?

Ahem, now you're being sensible. Now see, I told you I'm new on the compound. I'm an International Evangelist, and I've noticed something about you which I find quite distressing, seriously. Since the day I moved in, two weeks ago, I've counted not less than seven different women you've brought into your room to spend the night with. Mind you, that figure does not include the five girls you brought home in the afternoons. In just two weeks, my brother, you have slept with twelve girls! TWELVE GIRLS, my brother! Why? Why, my brother? Are you mad? Are you sick? Are you a dog? Are you a goat? Tell me now, brother! What is wrong with that penis between your legs? Why do you like vagina like that? Are you a dog? Tell me now, brother! Are you a dog? A mad dog?

Kofi Kuntu stares at the man with his mouth gaping open with shock.

He is totally flabbergasted!
He is absolutely perplexed!

Goodness me! Are you okay in the head, Mr. Tengey, or whoever the hell you are?

An expression of pure wrath crosses Mr. Tengey's face, and for a moment Kuntu thinks he is going to swing a blow at him again.

Look at a goat asking me, ME, if I'm okay in the head! I'm told you're engaged to a fine lady whom you're going to marry next month! A lady called Akweley, whose father is also your boss! I also heard that both your parents are dead! You have no mother and no father, and no siblings... just a useless orphan! And you behave like a crazy crocodile!

(shaking his head)
Have you ever seen a crazy crocodile, hm? And moreover, are you saying because my parents are dead, and I’m going to marry the daughter of my boss, I shouldn't jigijigi?

Fire of heaven burn your mouth! May angels whip you at night! A man gives you employment and gives you his daughter to marry, and you go around slipping into any woman that crosses your path! Are you not ashamed? Do you know you're headed for hell, for damnation? You're going to burn in the lake of fire for eternity! Siasem! Sia like you!

Kunto giggles suddenly as he looks at the maddened face of the self-acclaimed international evangelist.

So, humour me, how long have you been married, Mr. Tengey?

Twenty-eight years, hallelujah! And in all those years I've remained faithful to my wife! I have not looked at another woman!

Aha! You see? That's why you're mad! That Bible you're holding says that seven women will grab one man! And selfish men like you have stayed stuck to one woman! And there are mad men, and there are men in prison, leaving all those women alone in the world! Where are they supposed to find men to keep them company? Are they not also human? Men should be giving their dicks to women who want them, and not be selfish like you. Your wife has hijacked your dick and using it alone, greedy woman! Do you want those frustrated women to go mad? As for me I'm not selfish! My penis is a gift to any woman who wants to relieve some stress, Mr. Godseen Ten-

And that is when Mr. Tengey releases another roundhouse punch, catching Kofi by surprise, so that the blow hammers against Kofi's jaw!

Kofi is flung back against the door, and then he drops to the floor, dazed!

Kwasea bi ba! My name is Godknows, GODKNOWS! Not Godseen! May God have mercy on your fornicating soul, you dog!

Sitting on the floor, Kuntu is suffused with rage.
He unleashes a straight blow into Mr. Tengey's scrotal sac.

Mr. Tengey screams with agony, drops his Bible, clamps both hands to his balls, and sinks slowly down first to his knees, and then to his side.

Tears of agony brim in his eyes as he looks at Kofi Kuntu.

Kuntu is still sitting on the floor and massaging his jaw.

What's the matter with you? You see what you forced me to do to you! You woke me up at two in the morning and behaved like a mad man!

(moaning in anguish)
Ahem, aaaoww Dzigbordi eeeeee! Aaaow, aaaow, aaaow! Yesu Christo, the boy has killed my balls ooo! Oooh, Dzigbordi eeee! Oh, may God punish this boy paa for me o! For hitting the hwea balls of an international evangelist, may God punish you paa o! You will suffer o, Akofia Kuntunutututu! Oh, you will suffer!

Kofi shakes his head with wonder!

Here is a man who has hit him for not pronouncing his name well, and yet he goes ahead and call him Akofia Kuntunutututu!

Some of their neighbours are coming out now.

They troop around the fallen Tengey and help him up.
A severe-looking woman soon emerges around the corner.

She has a cloth tied around her middle, and she has the longest chewing-stick Kuntu has ever seen stuck between her teeth.

She sees Tengey being supported between two neighbours, and her face crumbles with sudden concern.

Aaow, Redeemer! What happened now? I told you the boy is evil so you should leave him alone la!

Aaow, my Dzigbordi, hold me o, hold me! The boy has killed my hwea balls o! Oh, he will never know peace! Oh, I curse him with the fire of God o!

The woman rushes to where Kofi Kuntu is standing.
So, this is the famous Dzigbordi, Kofi thinks.

She stands very close to Kofi and speaks with unbridled fury.

May God ponish you, Akofia! May He ponish you with leprosy, gono, AIDS, tratra, erm, headaches, everything, Akofia! May the fire of heaven crack your brain and drive you mad, you dog, Akofia! Oh, may He that made the Red Sea swallow the Egyptians and made the fire burn Sodom ponish you!

Just as wicked as your husband. By the way the word is punish, not ponish!

Fiafitor! God ponish your mouth, Akofia!

Kuntu, more intrigued and totally confused, enters his room and shuts the door, turning the key twice.

Thankfully, Amina is awake and smiling when he enters the bedroom, ready with her hairy shinga to take away the gloom that is befalling him as a direct result of his dawn altercation with a man called Godknows Myredeemerliveth Tengey.

Her glorious thighs are spread wide, and the hair on her pudenda looks very scary and intimidating.

But Kofi Kuntu is not a coward, and no bearded meat is ever going to scare him.

His machine stands up instantly, and he pulls the cloth away and mounts the bed. 
He grabs Amina’s knees and spreads her legs wide.
She grunts with sinful desire, takes hold of his girth, and parts her bush for him to pass into glory!

Kofi sighs with contentment as her sweetness swallows him whole. He mauls her breasts and bends his head to receive her lips, and then he begins a sweet rhythm that unifies their bodies sweetly!

Kofi Kuntu works for his future father-in-law, MR. LARYEA ODAMTEN.
He is a real estate developer, and Kuntu works in the Marketing office of the LARYEA ODAMTEN WALLS.

Everybody in the office knows that Mr. Odamten dislikes Kofi. The truth is that Kofi also dislikes his soon-to-be father-in-law.

However, for the sake of beautiful AKWELEY ODAMTEN, the only daughter of Laryea, and the sweetheart of Kofi, they have learned to co-exist.

Kuntu had met Akweley at Kumasi Polytechnic.
She had been beautiful, wealthy and bored!
Boys had tried to impress her with expensive stuff she was already used to. She had been in Kuntu's class.

One day she had brought a difficult assignment on Cost Accounting to his room at the hostel. She wanted help with the assignment.

Kuntu had been a sort of authority in Cost Accounting.

Like all the boys he had been seriously fantasizing about Akweley Odamten for a long time, and so when she came to him with that assignment, it had been a most glorious day for him.

Prior to that they had barely spoken to each other even though they were in the same class, she being a part of the Upper Class, and Kuntu a poor orphan struggling to make it through the day, always broke and hungry.

Instead of doing the assignment with her, he had rather painstakingly guided her through the lesson to make her understand the topic, and then he had told her to tackle the assignment.

She had tackled it, easily.
She had whooped with joy, jumping up and down when he told her she had gotten all the answers right.

Now, Kuntu had already smoked a couple of rolls of marijuana a short while before she came inside, and it had turned him into a brave boy of sorts, and the sight of her jiggling breasts had been such a turn-on that Kuntu had grabbed one of them.

She had been shocked and still as a statue, and he had then grabbed the other breast too.

Her hands were raised, and she had stared at him with shock.

Then she had given him a double slap.
Her right hand came down... wham!
Her left hand came down... wham!

Although Kuntu's ears had rung, he had grinned nevertheless!
He had already done what he had always dreamed of doing: grabbing Akweley Odamten by the breasts!

She had taken her books and stormed out of the room.

Kuntu had put on some clothes and fled to town, afraid that she might call her famous and rich father who would bring an army of policemen.

But she hadn't done that.

Three days later she had come with another assignment.

Halfway through teaching her, unable to control himself, he had reached out and grabbed her boobs again, and this time he had felt her nipples hardening.

He bit down hard on his teeth in anticipation of the double slaps, but instead she had rushed at him and knocked him across the room straight into his lower-bunk bed!

They had kissed in frenzy!

He had gotten up and locked the door and then like Fela Kuti's song he had gone BANG, BANG, BANG, I JUST DEY GO OOOO!!

And they have been a couple since then!

Akweley, whose mother is dead, is the apple of her father's eye, and to please her Mr. Odamten has employed Kofi in his company after their graduation.

The Headoffice of the Company is a magnificent five-storey edifice.
Kuntu's office is on the ground floor in the Marketing Section.
He is in charge of the Marketing Software.

His assistant is a chubby round-faced womanizer called ATO SEY.
He is twenty-eight years old, two years older than Kofi. He had been employed first, and when Kofi came in he became Kofi's assistant.

Ato Sey, however, has never been bitter about being demoted. He and Kofi had hit it off from the first day, and they have shared many adventures together.

That morning, Kofi enters the office and sees that Ato is sitting behind his desk with his head on top of the desk, asleep and snoring with saliva drooling down the corner of his lips.

Kofi smiles, puts down his backpack, and then he opens the refrigerator, scoops some ice with his forefinger, tiptoes forward, and jams his ice-cold finger into Ato's exposed right ear.

Ato gives an ear-curdling frantic scream...

Season 1 Episode 3

Episode Title: Introducing the Jamaican Stone

Restricted Content: 20 Years +
Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence.


Kofi collapses with peals of laughter as Ato sits up and looks around frantically, his eyes red and still heavy with sleep.

Playboy! Didn't you sleep last night?

Ato wipes water from his ear and glares at Kofi with murderous eyes.


Kofi collapses with laughter at that, and after a while Ato also begins to smile.

You hammered Abrefi last night, didn't you? That's why you're sleeping like that.

Kofi is putting on his PC when Ato smiles, stands up and approaches Kofi's desk.

He takes out his wallet, unzips a pouch inside the wallet and takes out a small clear rubber pouch, the type medicine shops put pills in.

Kofi sees that inside the pouch is a little black object.

Last night was a bomb, my paddy! I disciplined that hole between Abrefi's thighs!

Apuu! She always laughs at you for having your orgasms too fast! Last time I heard she said you were not man enough!

Just then the office door opens and ABREFI DUFIE walks in.
She is one of the Kitchen Staff.

She is tall and shapely, and she wheels in their breakfast on a trolley.
She smiles demurely at Ato as she goes inside a small inner office, which is a resting area for Ato and Kofi, and where they also took their meals.

Kofi looks at Ato with sudden surprise.

Abrefi, in the past, had never bothered to take their food inside the rest area to serve them.
She normally leaves the trolley in front of Ato's desk.
But today she has done the unexpected!
She has really entered the rest room to serve their breakfast!

Ato smiles broadly and winks at Kofi.
Kofi stands up and peeks into the inner living-area.
Abrefi is now setting the table for their breakfast.

He turns and glares at Ato with total incomprehension.
This is definitely unusual!

Kofi raises his eyebrows, and Ato grins from ear to ear.
Presently Abrefi emerges and smiles sweetly at Ato.

Your breakfast is ready, darling.

Thanks, Abrefi.

She moves close to Ato and puts a hand on his shoulder.

Tonight, my love?

Will check my schedule and call you.

Please do that, my love.

She leans forward and kisses Ato lightly on the lips, and then she goes out and gently shuts the door.

Kofi stares at them with mouth hanging open.

This is so unlike the fiery Abrefi who always treats Ato with absolute disdain, calling him a moron ever since she went home with Ato one evening and he lasted under a minute with her, and couldn't get an erection again for the rest of the night.

Jeezoz, Jeezoz, Ato! What did you do to Abrefi? You haven't jujued her, have you? Have you tied her mind with some black voodoo spell from Anloga?

Ato smiles and points a finger at the sachet with the strange black stone in it.

You're looking at the power of the Jamaican Stone, my atopa paddy! The Jamaican Stone, that is the thing right there in the pouch!

Kofi picks up the pouch and looks at the strange black stone-like object in it.

What the fuck is this, man?

Ato preens and puffs out his chest.

There, my dear player, is the answer to every man's problem! It is called the Jamaican Stone, a little thing, but more powerful than a bazooka, or a grenade! There, my friend, is what will transform you from a player to a god! This is ogidigidi, python, lion, eagle power all rolled into one! That little thing made me destroy Abrefi last night. You see that she is meek now, and you think I jujued her? She was behaving so unnaturally, wasn't she? You thought she was mad, right? Last night I was giving it to her kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa and she was moaning with pleasure, shouting out my name like Bla Sey, Bla Sey, Bla Sey, Bla Sey!

Damn! Tell me more, Ato! What does the Jamaincan Stone do?

That stone right there, which I got from a Malian friend, will lock your seed! You don't have to worry about coming! You see, Abrefi was laughing at me for not lasting for more than a minute in bed with her. My Malian friend gave me the Jamaican Stone. I swear, Kofi, when I used it my waist was just going like a machine-gun, gigigigigigigigigigi!! Kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa! No stopping! Almost one hour straight! Abrefi was running away! That silly, hungry nymphomaniac with the insatiable pussy fled from me! She begged me to allow her to sleep for a while! I let her sleep for one hour and then I woke her up and continued kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa and she was moaning Bla Sey, Bla Sey, Bla Sey, Bla Sey! I hammered her for another hour before I landed! I woke her up again at dawn and she said no more, she was tired! Yes man! I was King Kong, man!Bedroom bully of the highest hammering quality! And that was the work of the J Stone, man!

Wooooooow!! I want one, man!

Of course I knew you would, player! I bought that one for you.

How do I use it?

It is touch and play, man! About fifteen minutes before the game, put a drop or two of water in your palm, and then grind the stone in the water. Don't ground it too much, my paddy. Grind it just a little, and the water will turn a milky white. Now take the Jamaican Stone out and use the milky solution to smear just the tip of your mamba, the circumcised head, not the whole shaft. Wait for ten minutes. It will start smarting you a bit, and then you wash it off with water and soap. That's all! It will make your penis less sensitive, and you can hammer the thing like a god! Don't brake, don't stop, don't pause! Long hours! Your waist will go like a jet plane, bro, ziiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnn!!

They both laugh and go inside to eat breakfast.

I'll test it on Akweley tonight. It's her father's birthday party, and I'm sure we'll get a little privacy to get naughty, and I'll ride with the Jamaican Stone, man! Kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa!!
Ato stops and glares at Kofi, shaking his head.

Don't be stupid, man! Akweley is your fiancée. You're going to marry her next month, man! Don't use the J Stone on her, man!

Comot for there, massa! Tonight I'm going to go kpa kpa kpa kpa!!

The two friends laugh again, and then attack the delicious breakfast Abrefi has brought.

Ato puts a huge slice of fried egg into a divided bread, bites a huge chunk and then looks at Kofi with sudden bright eyes.

(speaking from a full mouth)
Herssh, don'tshs letsssh hershh shussks yoursshh penishhh whenshh youshh pushhs the Jamishaaan shtonesh on ishhh.

Siasem, what the fuck is that? I didn't hear a thing! Swallow the food and speak well!

Ato chuckles as he drops sugar into a cup of cocoa and adds a generous amount of milk. He stirs and then raises the cocoa and drinks.

I was telling you that don't let the chicks suck your prick when you put the Jamaican Stone on it.

What? Is it poisonous? I like my dick sucked.

I don't think it is poisonous, but that's what my Malian friend told me. Don't let the girl suck you when you use the Stone.

But why?

I said I don't know, fuck off! It's just the instruction I was given! If you want fellatio let her do it before you smear the Stone solution on your dick, man.

Kofi gets to the ODAMTEN PREMISES around 7 p.m.
He drives a white Mercedes Benz car.

Actually it is not his car. It belongs to Akweley.

She had tried unsuccessfully to make her father buy Kuntu a car.
Her father, who dislikes Kuntu, hasn't budged despite his beloved daughter's heckling.

In the end Akweley had simply given her Mercedes to Kuntu and informed her father. Mr. Laryea Odamten, not wanting his sweet daughter to move around in taxis, had released a Lexus to her, and bingo, Kuntu had a car.
Season 1 Episode 4

Episode Title: A Present For Laryea

Restricted Content: 20 Years +
Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence.


Kofi parks the car that night at the huge car park in front of the premises.

Laryea Odamten, a Ga man who had been very poor once, has erected a house that looks like a mini castle.

Kuntu knows that one day this great house will be his when he marries Akweley.

It rises from the ground like a lion, and sprouts outward like a proud eagle.
The architecture of the house is amazing.

It is huge and spreads out, and it is ludicrous to know that such an edifice is occupied by only the man and his daughter.

The car park is almost full, an indication of the number of people who have shown up for Mr. Odamten's birthday dinner.
Kofi Kuntu gets out of the car and straightens up his tuxedo.
He knows he looks handsome in it.

He checks the inner pocket of the coat and makes sure that the Jamaican Stone is nestling there.

Satisfied, he opens the back door and reaches inside.
A moment later he brings out a huge dispenser bottle.

It looks like the plastic can that is used for water dispensers, but the liquid in it is not water.

It is filled with wine; a water dispenser can full of wine!

Luckily, the plastic can has a handle, and so Kuntu lifts it and begins to walk towards the entrance.

He has to stop several times to catch his breath because the can is quite heavy.

He is sweating by the time he comes to the main entrance.
One of the guards manning the gates sees him and takes the can from him, and Kuntu breathes with relief.

He enters.

The forecourt of the mini castle is a thing of beauty.

Mr. Laryea Odamten has decorated it with exotic lights, awesome landscaping and jaw-dropping natural and artificial features that has transformed the whole place into an exotic, magical fantasy that belongs to a fairy tale.

There is soft music playing.

The tables are glass-topped and the chairs exquisite.
There are long golden tables laden with assorted food.

Many of the well-dressed men and women are already seated and eating, whilst others are serving themselves at the buffet tables.

Mr Laryea Odamten, Akweley and some distinguished guests are seated at the High Table.

There is an empty seat to Akweley's left.

Sitting beside Akweley is a tall, dark, handsome young man in an excellently-tailored suit.

His name is NANA KWASI. 

He is the son of a Minister of State. He has always been in love with Akweley, and it had been expected that they would have eventually gotten married, if Kofi Kuntu had not come around.

Laryea Odamten likes Nana Kwasi, and that is why he cannot stand Kofi Kuntu.

Nana Kwasi sees the gigantic can the guard is struggling with, and he sees Kuntu following the guard.

Nana Kwasi's eyes narrow with a mischievous glint, and he stands up slowly when he sees the guard heading towards the spot where the Gift Table is.

Kuntu approaches the High Table.

Akweley sees him and she smiles appreciatively.
Although she knows her father despises Kofi, there is no denying the fact that her man is exceedingly handsome.

Maybe that is one of the reasons why her father cannot stand him. 
Kofi Kuntu is too handsome for his own good.

Akweley sees the looks the other women at the High Table are casting Kuntu, the lecherous desires in the depths of their eyes, and she smiles with satisfaction.

Kofi Kuntu and his incredible good looks are hers, forever.
Akweley is tall and elegant. Her face is not so beautiful, though, but her figure is one to die for.

She holds out a hand as Kuntu reaches the table.
He takes her hand and kisses her lightly on the lips.

Laryea Odamten, sitting at the head of the table with two beautiful young women on each side of him, looks on with a dark scowl.
He is rotund, and has a shock of steel-grey hair and a handlebar moustache.

Welcome, darling.

Damn, I missed you, Princess. Let me go and say hello to your father and come.

She smiles demurely as Kuntu moves past her and goes to stand beside Mr. Odamten who looks up at Kofi with a smirk.

Kofi Kuntukununku! You're late for my party, you see I'm eating, and you want to distract me. What's the matter with you, Kofi Kuntukununku?

Happy birthday, Mr. Odamten. I wish you to enjoy many more years of health, happiness and wealth.

Mr. Laryea drinks from a dainty decanter, sets it down and looks up at Kofi.
Just then Nana Kwasi appears at the other side of Mr. Laryea and speaks with laughter dancing in his eyes.

Goodness me, Mr. Odamten. You wouldn't believe what Mr. Kuntu brought you for a birthday present.

Kofi scowls at Nana Kwasi.
Mr. Odamten looks from Nana Kwasi to Kofi Kuntu.

What did he bring? What did you bring, Kofi Kuntukununku?

Oh, I told the guys to bring it over, sir. But, seriously, is that Kuntu's full name? I never knew. What? Kuntukukuuunku? What? Seriously? So, like, Ak is going to be what, Mrs. Akweley Kuntukukuuuunku?

Kuntukununku, yes, that's his name! That's the kind of sad name this boy is going to give to my lovely daughter, and to my grand-children! As you say, she will be known as Mrs. Akweley Kuntukununku! A name that sounds like the sound of a bass drum! Even if they name a grand-child after me, he will be called Laryea Odamten Kuntukununku, oh Jesus! Yes, that is what my daughter is going to do to me!

(shaking his head)
Akweley Kuntutukuunku! Amazing! Simply amazing!

Kuntu looks at him with venom on his face, trying to quell the anger that is assailing him.

Nana Kwasi sees it, and he chuckles, enjoying himself, knowing that Kuntu will not dare misbehave by attacking him at Mr. Odamten's party.

And that is when the guard suddenly appears with the gigantic bottle across his shoulders.

Where do you want me to put it, please?

Oh, put it on the table, right here!

He indicates a place beside Mr. Laryea's plate, and the guard drops the huge can on the table, making it shake.

Mr. Laryea Odamten looks at the can which is filled with the red liquid, and his face goes dark with sudden anger.

And what the hell is this?

Nana Kwasi is laughing and can barely speak as the gales rock his body.
He points at the huge can and then points at Kuntu.

Your future son-in-law brought it to you as a birthday gift, sir! That is your own full can of dispenser wine!

Mr. Laryea Odamten jumps to his feet and points a shaky finger at the huge can.

(horrified, eyes bulging)
That is... that is w-wine?

Kofi Kuntu is looking very uncomfortable all of a sudden.
It had seemed like a good idea when he conceived it many months ago.

He knows his father-in-law-to-be loves wine, and that is why Kuntu had conceived the idea to bring him something he would appreciate.
But now, like almost everything else he did, it is turning out to be a disaster.

Your birthday gift, sir. I know you love wine.

And so you filled a water dispenser bottle with pure wine? You brought me twenty litres of wine inside a water dispenser bottle? What wine is it? Imported wine?

No, sir! Imported wine was too expensive per bottle, and so I took it to the PAFUU DISTILLERIES to fill it.


Many of the guests are laughing uproariously now.

Akweley is suddenly on the scene, and she takes her father's face in her hands and looks at him gently.

Sorry, Dad, but you know Kofi was just trying to impress you!

Season 1 Episode 5

Episode Title: Spreading an Overdose

Restricted Content: 20 Years +
Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence.


He wanted to impress me by giving me twenty litres of Pafuu wine on my birthday in a water dispenser bottle?

He has no bad intentions, Dad, please! Of course we all know you love wine! It is just that he has been trying so hard all these years to make you accept him but nothing he does seems to please you!

Because he's a fool! Come on, my darling! Please marry someone else, okay? This man is simply bonkers! Eighty percent alcoholic Pafuu Wine for me? He wants to kill me, dear, he wants to murder me!

We have guests, Dad. It's okay. Please don't lose it. Sit down, Dad, please!

Mr. Laryea Odamten sits down again and shakes his head.

Take this damn thing away from my sight!

The guard once again heaves and carries the gigantic bottle of wine away.
People are still laughing.

Akweley glares around the table, and slowly the laughter dies down. She fixes Nana Kwasi with a venomous look.
Nana Kwasi is suddenly uncomfortable.

Come on, Ak! You know-

Save it, Kwasi! Just shovel it! Come with me, Kofi.

Akweley takes the hapless Kuntu's hand and leads him inside the huge building.

She leads him up an ornate staircase to an incredible landing above, and then down a corridor to her bedroom.

Akweley opens her door and they enter.
Kuntu is too flustered to admire the incredible view from the room like he usually does.

Her room is upstairs, and overlooks an incredible view of the hills and valleys beyond, made almost terrestrial by the flickering lights of the night.

Her room is huge, and has a round water-bed that can be powered to rotate.
She has the biggest glass wardrobe Kuntu has ever seen.

There is a gigantic curved Samsung HD television, a mini glass desk and swivel chair for her computer and Internet functions.

Kuntu moves to the huge French Windows and runs a hand through his hair miserably.

You father will never like me, you know that.

She comes up behind him and slips her arms around his waist, pressing herself fully against him.

Oh, my love! I know he doesn't trust you, but you don't do yourself any favours! Goodness me, you knew his friends would be here, very important people, and you brought him a crazily gargantuan alcoholic Pufuam wine? 

Pafuu wine, not Pufuam.

Whatever, darling! That was largely inconsiderate! I've told you to discuss these things with me first! Anyway, it's done. Stop worrying about it and give me a big kiss!

Kofi turns and sweeps her into his arms.
Her lips are soft, wet and hot.

They kiss fervently, and soon his erection begins to push against her belly.
She reaches down and caresses it through the trousers, and he grabs her pliant buttocks tightly.

He kisses her throat and the space between her ears.
She has sprayed some heady perfume behind her ears, and its uncomfortable taste stings his tongue.

Oh, oh, my love! I need you so hard!

She parts her legs as he caresses her between her thighs.
And then her phone rings.

He holds her tightly but she firmly pushes him back because the tone is the special one for her father.
She moves away as Kofi pants hard.

She picks the call, listens for a while and speaks.

Alright, Dad. I'm coming.

She cuts the call.
Kofi looks at her with shadowed eyes because he still wants her.
She smiles and looks down at his erection.

Blue balls coming up, my love!

Tell that hard beast not to go flabby! My father wants me to cut the birthday cake for him. I'll be right back so that you rip me apart, baby!

Kuntu makes a hissing sound and begins to loosen his bow-tie.

Hurry up, darling! Can't wait to feel your sweetness!

Akweley wiggles her buttocks at him and quickly leaves the room.
Kofi, all excited and hot, quickly takes off his clothes.
And that is when he remembers the Jamaican Stone!

It is time to try out some kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa!!

Long distance, baby! No stopping, no shaking, no explosion, man! Only sweet dribbling, my paddy! Kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa ride, ziiiiiiiiiin!!

Naked now, he takes the small pouch and enters the extra-nice bathroom of his fiancée.

He pees into the bowl, flushes, and puts down the lid.
He sits on the WC and slowly takes out the little stone from its rubber pouch.

He leans over, opens the tap in the sink, and uses a finger of his left hand to put two drops of water into his right palm.

He begins to grind the stone in the water, and very soon, true to Ato's words, the mixture becomes a chalky white.

Kofi Kuntu uses the tip of his left forefinger to scoop the liquid, and he smears it over the top of his penis.

He waits, but he does not feel anything.

No stinging pain as Ato had said.

Is that bastard shitting me? Why is this thing not smarting me? Could it be expired?

He repeats the process, making the mixture a bit thicker than the previous experiment and rubs it over the head of his penis.

He waits, still no stinging pain.

Kofi Kuntu uses more water and more Jamaican Stone, this time whipping up a real paste, so that the stone whittles down to less than half its original size.

This time he smears it all along his penis, disregarding Ato's first warning that it must be used only on the penis head.

He puts the stone back, and shakes his head with disappointment.

Fake, fake, fake!

He stands up, and his flabby penis dangles over the top of his testicles, smearing it with some of the Jamaican Stone concoction.
He walks to the bedroom and plods down naked on the bed.

He stares at the murals above, and presently he feels very sleepy, and begins to doze.

And when Akweley comes in almost an hour later, she finds him soundly asleep.

She looks at him and shakes her head.
She glances at her watch and quickly locks the door.

She steps out of her dress and hangs it carefully on the swivel chair because she will be wearing it again.

She slips out of her undershorts and white panties, and then she falls on the bed.

She reaches for his manhood, bends and puts her lips on his manhood, blowing him hard.

She grimaces with sudden disgust and sits up, shoving his thighs hard.
Kofi wakes up with a grunt and looks at her.

What the hell did you put on your dick, love? Tastes so bitter.

Kofi looks at her, horrified.

You didn't... oh, hell! You're not supposed to taste it! I haven't even washed it off! Damn, love! I'm supposed to wipe it off with water and soap before anything! You're not even supposed to put your lips on it!

What's it, Kofi? Is it poisonous?

(shaking his head)
Uh... nothing, nothing! Just something Ato gave me! Supposed to delay ejaculation and make us enjoy more minutes of lovemaking, you know! It wouldn't let me come early.

And you put it on tonight, when we're not alone and all we've got is about twenty minutes or so? What's the matter with you, Kofi? You don't even need that thing! You're already a long-stayer! Do you want to kill me?

Kofi grins stupidly.

Just wanted to try it, love, but it didn't work anyway!

Right, whatever! I feel too horny! Give me a quick roll, my love!

She deftly turns in the 69-position and lowers herself onto his mouth.
She wipes his penis off with a corner of the bedsheet, and then she puts it into her mouth again and begins to suck him!

Kofi moans with pleasure and flicks his tongue across her excited clitoris, and then he grabs her waist and shoots his tongue deep into her moist, hot love hole!

And that is when he begins to feel the pain!

It is as if someone had just poured hot lava from an exploding volcano onto his balls and manhood!

It is a pain no human being is expected to feel!!


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