Enjoy a slice of Heaven. Read Aaron.


Aaron Ansah-Agyeman

Season 1 Episode 6

Episode Title: The Overdose

Restricted Content: 20 Years +
Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence.


Kofi is lost in bliss as he grabs her waist and runs his tongue around her clitoris, tasting her salty wetness and feeling her lips on him as she slurps...and doing his best to forget the explosive pain in his genitals!

And then, without warning, the pain just escalated as if someone had doused petrol on his penis and balls and set fire on them!

It is the master of all pains, the capo di tutti capi of pains, the boss of bosses of pains!

It is like suddenly his whole penis has been stuffed down the heart of a volcano!

He gasps, and tears sprout into his eyes, and he removes his head from between her thighs and cries with a fierce grimace on his face.


Akweley suddenly bucks up and jacknifes off his body!
She does not appear to hear his scream because she is suddenly off the bed and rushing towards the bathroom with muted cries herself.

Kofi tries to get off the bed, but the excruciating pain is killing the whole of his penis and balls, attacking his lower body with such terrible aggression that he cannot even stand up.

He is moaning, and he feels the tears of agony tearing down his cheeks.
He begins to crawl towards the bathroom as he moans.

And then Akweley comes back into the bathroom, and she is prancing around and weeping and looking increasingly hysterical.

Ahh canshhh feeesh ma massshhh!

Kofi looks up at her through a blur of tears.

He sits on the floor, his back against the bed, cupping his flaming groin.

What? What did you say?

Yoush froush! You froush! I canshhh freesh ma massshh!!

(getting scared)
Come here, honey, please! What're you saying? I can't hear you!


She begins to cry and fan her lips with her hands.
And then it dawns on Kofi!

Ato had warned him to use just a tiny mixture of the Jamaican Stone!
But he has applied it over and over again!

He has gone way above its dosage, and now he is in agony!
Not only that...

Ato had warned him that he should not let it touch any woman's lips, but in performing fellatio on him, the damn thing has now attacked Akweley's mouth too, making it numb, and it is also paining her!

She is weeping now as she quickly flies into her clothes.
Kofi gets off the floor in agony and approaches her.

He cannot walk straight, and so he is doubled up as the excruciating pain blazes through his penis and balls.

Hey, my love, darling...

Akweley turns round and gives him a really healthy slap across the face as tears bubble down her cheeks in her agony.

Don'tsh darlinshh meesh! Don'tsh yoush daressh darlinshh meesh, yoush bashtarsh!

Kofi is weeping now!
This is turning out to be a horrible night!

Akweley has always been his ally, but now it seems she is hating him.
He notices suddenly, to his horror, that her lips are now quite swollen rather badly. They are puckered and red and inflamed, absurdly huge as if they had been inflated with an air pump.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

Whatsh? Whatsh?? WHATSH???

Your mouth! Your mouth is biiiiiig!! Oh, Lord! your lips are so biiiiiiig!!!

She slaps him left and right, and runs to the dressing mirror.

She takes one look at her face and gives a blood-curdling scream.


Kofi approaches her, panicking.

Oh, Oh, no, Akweley, Akweley, no, no! Not your father!

She runs past him, unlocks the door, and runs out, screaming and crying as she goes.

Kofi slowly walks to his clothes and begins to dress painfully, crying as he pulls on his trousers.

The thing is both burning and extremely painful.
The skin around his penis and on top of his balls are now bunched together in a rubbery way.

Every single movement sends shards of agony through him.

And then, after what seems like an eternity, he finally finishes dressing up.
His boxers and briefs are jammed into the pocket of his coat because he cannot bear the agony it brings him when he tried to put them on.

The door suddenly opens, and Mr. Laryea Odamten enters.
Laryea is fuming with uncontrolled rage as he glares at Kuntu.
He is biting his lower lip with cruel intensity.

He is walking towards Kuntu, and the look on his face is really terrible.

You bastard! You fucking bastard! You fool! I've had enough of your nonsense, do you hear me? You're fired! I'm sending Akweley to the hospital, and pray that nothing happens to her! If I ever see you here again or in the office, or anywhere around her, I'll kill you, do you understand?

Look here, Mr. Odamten-

He stops talking because Mr. Laryea Odamten suddenly withdraws a gun from his pocket and points it at Kofi Kuntu.

You better get out of here, or God help me, I'll shoot you dead!!

And Kofi Kuntu, bent double and weeping, his groin blasting with sheer fire, leaves the house!

Kofi can barely drive.
The pain is now excruciating, and although he makes no sound the tears fall down his cheeks silently.

He tries to stop crying, but to no avail.
He has never known such agony.

And in the midst of that agony is the terrible realization gnawing at the back of his mind that with such deep pain ravaging his manhood and balls, it is very likely that his genital organs are going to be destroyed, or that he is going to suffer some form of damage.

Finally he parks his car at the side of the road.

It is almost ten o'clock in the night.
He fumbles out his phone and calls.

Heeeerh, my paddy! You fool paa o! Heeeeeeerh! E be true sey you send dispenser bottle full of Pafuu wine to your father-in-law? You fool pass, K. K!

Cut out the shit, man! I dey trouble inside paa! The stone dey kill me!

(sounding serious now)
The Jamaican Stone?

What else?

Wetin happen?

E dey burn me, my paddy! I put for there wey e dey burn me plenty! My dick, my hwea balls, all dey kill me!

Damn it, K.K.! I told you to use it sparingly, just small bi for the top of your dick! Why, you use plenty?

As I apply am I no feel anything, then I apply more, still nothing, so I apply third time!

Kwasea! Aaaaaaahhhh! You fool papa! Ebei! Gyimi paa be this? So what happen?

Kwasea, what you think happen? My whole genital dey fire inside! Akweley also suck my dick and now e dey hospital because e mouth swell like elephant e ass, plus e dey pain inside! E poppy sack me from the house and if I no take time I go lose Akweley sef!

Oh, Kofi, Kofi, Kofi! I yob you sey just use small, just a dash, and no sucking! Why, you wanted to tear out Akweley e toto? And why use it on your real woman sef? This thing we dey use for side chick pussy, you fool!

Season 1 Episode 7

Episode Title: Rendezvous with Yasmeen

Restricted Content: 20 Years +
Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence.



Relax, bro. Just relax. Find some chick and hammer am, that's all. You must enter pussy inside fast, and the moment you get one screw noooor the pain go stop!

You sure? You very sure?

Positive, bro. Find some pussy bang and you go get relief!

Kofi cuts the call.
He opens his fly and pulls down the zip.

He pulls his penis out of the trousers and displays it so that the car's air-condition will cool it.

But there is no difference, the pain is there, unabated.

At least the trouser material is not rubbing against it so it is a bit better.
He flips through his phone and calls Amina.

She tells him she has gone to Takoradi with her mother. It had been impromtu, and she will come back in a week's time.
Kofi calls other girls, those he has slept with.

The story is the same.
None is available at the moment.
The time notice is too short.

Kofi Kuntu does more flipping. He has called about fifteen girls all with no success.

He is now getting to the end of the contact list. 
He is in the 'S' column now, and sees a name he has saved as SAJILI INDIA.

Sajili had been his mate at an IT course he had taken.
She is a beautiful Indian who told him she fell in love with him the moment she saw him.

They have been in touch.

She is beautiful with a great body, and Kofi wants to make love to her. The only problem is that she wants him to marry her, and will not sleep with him unless he marries her.

He hesitates for a moment.
She stays with an aunt and her husband, although they have different apartments. She works in their restaurant as the Accountant.

She has her own flat. They have come pretty close to making love several times, but always her demand for marriage had stopped him.

He can go over now and promise her marriage and make love to her just to get rid of the pain.
He sighs and flips through the names.

And then he comes to the 'Y' section in the Contacts and pauses, sighing with relief.

There is a name he has saved as YAASMEEN RUSSIA.
Yes, that is his saviour!

Yaasmeen and her parents and two younger siblings live just about ten blocks from where Kofi stays.
Her parents run several electronic stores.

She stays in the detached quarters of their house alone.
She is extremely beautiful, though a little overweight.

Most of their premises had been built by LARYEA ODAMTEN WALLS, and Kofi had met her through that.

She always gives him calls and invites him over, telling him she will leave the small gate near the detached quarters open and put off the lights. She will also leash the dogs, allowing him time to get into her room.

Kofi has so far not honoured his promise because there have been other women he has been serving, and he did not really have the hots for her.
But today it is either her, or a prostitute.

Kofi has never been with a prostitute.
He hates them.

He calls Yaasmeen.
She picks the call even before the first ring has ended.

Ohhhhhh!! Kuuufi! Kuuuufi! My swiiiit darrrling! Was jost theenkeen abooot you! Are you comeeen over?

Yes, my love! I miss you! I'm coming over now to make sweet love to you!

Oooooooooh! Come biiiby! Pliiis come! Gate is oopen! Come darrrling!

Kofi cuts the call and quickly swings off the curb.

Oh, thank you, blood of Jesus!

He speeds towards Yaasmeen's house.

Twenty minutes later she lets him into her room.

Kofi goes into the bathroom straight away to wash the tears from his eyes as Yaasmeen lurks outside to make sure none of her family members has noticed her nefarious activities of the night.

He cannot even stand straight as he cleans his face with a fluffy pink towel that smells like it has just been used to clean a vagina.

He gags, imagining Yaasmeen doing just that.
He walks stooped double to the bed, pushes a huge teddy bear to the floor, and quickly takes off his clothes.

Naked now, he lies on the bed.
Yaasmeen enters and closes the door.

She is wearing an incredible red negligee that accentuates her incredible buxom figure.

She pulls some strings in front of the nightdress and it parts, revealing her huge proud breasts, plump figure and a very bushy genital growth.

She coils her long black hair on top of her head and covers it with a white spandex-like headgear.

She steps out of the negligee and approaches him, her face red with desire as she looks at his already erect member.

Oh, biiby Kuufi! I'm going to injoy thees veeery morch!

She falls on him and clamps hot lips on his.

He holds her and kisses her hard, pushing his tongue into her wet mouth and running his hands over her plump buttocks.

She is moaning hard as she rears up and puts her huge breasts on his face, pushing first one nipple and then the other into his mouth.
She grabs his furious rod and moves her hand up and down it.

Each movement sends shafts of indescribable pain through Kofi, making him gasp with terror.

She mistakes his moans of pain for passion, and she rubs harder.
Suddenly the passion is ebbing from Kofi's body as the pain intensifies.

He reaches down, holds her wrists, and jerks his penis out of her hand as tears slowly fall down the sides of his face.

Oh, God, God, God! I'm going to die!!

With an effort he turns Yaasmeen over and kisses her throat, his hand going down to her bushy zone and his fingers expertly flicking her clitoris.
She is so wet that it is as if some cream has been poured down there!


He can enter her and get some relief!

She is panting with desire, bucking her buttocks up to meet his probing fingers as his free hand tweaks her nipples and rub her breasts. 

He bends and licks her taut nipples, running his fingers expertly across her navel and flicking her wet clitoris over and over. 

He spreads her ample thighs and positions himself and begins to guide his erection towards the zone of delight.

Suddenly she bucks, pulling her buttocks away from his erection.

Wait, Kuufi, pliiis wait a mooment!

She pushes him on his back, and he thinks she is going to get on top of him and straddle him.

Some women prefer to be on top, and maybe she is one of them.
Kofi doesn't care either way.

He just wants to be there so that the pain will stop!
But Yaasmeen does not straddle him.

She gets off the bed and marches to her wardrobe.
She pulls a lower drawer open and rummages in there, finally coming out with a panty.

It is a red panty with a solid front, but a string for the back.
She quickly puts on the panty.

It covers her genitals completely, but when she turns round her buttocks is bare.

She approaches him and gets on top of him.
She kisses him deeply.

He moans with desire and tries to enter her.

She is almost crying with desire as she reaches across to the bedside table.
She pulls a drawer and takes out a kind of rubber container.

She opens the cap.
Kofi can see what is written on the blue covering of the cylindrical container.


Kofi's eyes open wide with sudden confusion.
Yaasmeen scoops some of the jell and rubs it all over Kofi's stiff member, covering it well.

Whatever is in it increases the pain in his penis and balls, and tears come to his eyes again.

Yaasmeen scoops more jell and leans forward and spreads it somewhere behind her.
Season 1 Episode 8

Episode Title: Anulus Vagi-Vagi

Restricted Content: 20 Years +
Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence.


She closes the container, wipes her hand on the bedspread, grabs Kofi's dick, and now tries to settle down on it...

But in a moment Kofi feels that he is not entering her wet inner hole...

She is trying to push it into her anus!

Kofi jerks hard, drawing his penis away as he stares at her with a mixture of pain, desire and horror!

What are you doing?

Makeen love to you, Kuufi! Give eet to me! Give eet to meeee nooooow!

But why are you wearing panties? It felt like you were putting it in your... you were trying to put my penis in your... your...

My ass! Yeees! I putteen it in the anulus! Come, biiiby! Faaack me hard!

She holds Kofi's waist and draws him down and settles on him, working to put him in her anus again.

Kofi bucks hard, and gets off from under her.

I want to enter your pussy!!

She scowls at him and wags a stiff forefinger.

No-no, no-no, no-no! You can't enter my vagi-vagi! You can faack my anulus but not my vagi-vagi!

Kofi almost breaks down into tears at that moment.

The tears, for a fact, sting his eyes as he looks imploringly down at Yaasmeen's delicious body.

Oh, why, Yaasmeen, oh why? I don't want the anulus! I want the vagi! Please, don't do this to me, baby!

She shakes her head vigorously.

No-no, no-no, no-no! I haveent marreed yet! When I marree my hoosband and his fameely they look for virgin! If I'm not virgin they throway me! They not marree me. I need to have proooof of virgin or I not getty the hoosband! So I caaant give you vagi-vagi, no-no! You have to faack the anulus!

Kofi shakes his head with sudden sadness.
The pain in his groin is unbearable!

Dear Lord!
He is dying!

But this Arab girl is not going to allow him to make love to her because she needs to provide proof of virginity when she marries, so no one is allowed to enter her and break her hymen.

She is keeping her virginity, but she is willing to give him anal sex!

Please, Yaasmeen, please! I need to enter you, I beg you! Come on, please, darling, my sweetest princess, my precious! I need the vagi!

(almost angry)
No-no, no-no! No vagi-vagi! Enter the anulus! Anulus is biiiig! I put cream in anulus and on your penini! My anulus can take your penini so put penini into anulus!!

I can't fuck your ass, goddamn it! I don't like anal sex! I've never done it before! I hate it! I can't enter your anulus, gaddemn it! Your damn anulus is for shitu! My penini will hit your stinking shitu!

(wagging her forefinger)
No-no, no-no, no-no, no shitu! I wash anulus weel weel! All shitu gone so put your penini in the anulus or no fack-fack!!

Kofi, his dick paining him to the extreme degree, falls on her, kissing her fiercely, forcing her panties aside and positioning his penis at the entrance of her vagina.

He begins to press forward.

Yaasmeen bites his lips fiercely, causing Kofi to pause with the sudden fierce pain.

She bucks her buttocks off and bunches her knees under him.

She kicks out with her huge legs, sending him sailing into the air and smacking into a standing fan and sending it crashing.

Kofi lies on the floor, dazed and whimpering.

Oh, why, Yaasmeen! Oh, why!!

She is sitting up on the bed, her face serious.

You try put penini in my vagi-vagi so I kiiiick you off, Kuufi! You can't have the vagi-vagi, no-no, no-no! Come and try anulus! Anulus sex is swiiiit!

She gets on her hands and knees, sticks her ass in the air, reaches behind her and spreads her buttocks with both hands, exposing her gaping anal hole.

Oh, shit! Oh, damn! Stop that nonsense this instant!!

See the piiink? Anulus is jist like vagi-vagi! It is even tiiiighter! Come, Kuufi, stiiick your penini in anulus!

I don't like any anulus, damn you to hell!!

Yaasmeen sits up now, her face instantly angry, the passion gone.

Baaastad! Baaastad! Geet out now! Ouut, ouut! No vagi-vagi for you. Geeet ouuut!!!

She is coming at him angrily.

Kofi gets on his knees and raises his hands.

Maybe he can try it!
Anything to stop the pain.

He is in agony!

Okay, okay! Baby! Let's try it! Let me enter the anulus!!

She smiles, but suddenly she cocks her head, and runs to the window. She parts the curtain and looks out.

She gives a gasp of fright.

Geeet ouuut! You maaake tooo much noisy-noisy! My papa he is comeeeen with gun! Come quiiiickly!!

Kofi is scared witless!

The noise has woken up her father, who is coming to investigate with a gun!

He gathers his clothes and shoes.
She opens a back door and points out the small gate to him.

Kofi can hear the barks of giant dogs now and a man shouting.
He can barely run because the pain is so excruciating.

He hobbles to the small gate and goes out.
He is naked, and it is late in the night, in a restricted community.
Suddenly he knows his life is in grave danger.

If he is sighted he will be mistaken for a thief, and they will kill him in a second.

He sights a clump of bushes and flees into it.

All around him the neighbourhood dogs are barking.
He sees that the small gate has opened, and a man in pyjamas has come out with a gun in his hand.

Kofi lies flat on his stomach, feeling the plants sticking into his penis, causing him more pain. 

After a while the man goes back into the house.

Weeping and hurting all over, Kofi puts on his clothes and shoes in the bushes, comes out, and hobbles painfully towards the place he has parked his car.

Yaasmeen hasn't worked out.

His best alternative will have to be a prostitute, but driving all the way to their joint will require a mighty effort.

Secondly, he does not know how long it will take making love to a woman before the pain subsides.

He can pay for the night, if need be, but there is a danger there because he cannot wear a condom if he wants relief from the pain of the Jamaican stone.

He will have to make love to the prostitute raw.
He knows some prostitutes always insist on condoms. Even if she does not insist he wears a condom, he is not going to take the risk of making love to a prostitute without protection, never.

Some will let him make love without a condom, but those ones are dangerous. What if he gets infected by some terrible sexually-transmitted disease?

He sees his car and gets inside.
There is only one option left for him to try.

He takes out his phone and calls SAJILI INDIA.
Season 1 Episode 9

Episode Title: Sajili Prakash

Restricted Content: 20 Years +
Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence.


Sajili is the Indian girl who will only make love to him if he promises to marry her.

Of course he is going to promise.
He has no other option now.

But that does not mean that he is going to keep that promise.
After making love to her, and getting his relief, he can always go back on his promise!

Sajili Prakash lives inside the ATIEMO ESTATES.
It is past midnight when Kofi Kuntu reaches the main entrance of the Estates.

Sajili has already called the security detail that her friend is on the way over.
There are four armed men at the gates, but Kofi knows one of them, and they allow him through.

He drives to ELITE FLAT 209.
The ELITE comprises a series of luxury detached houses.

Kofi drives hunched over the steering-wheel because he simply cannot bear the pain anymore.

Mmmm, mmmmm, mmmm, mmmm!

Sajili is wearing a green lacy dress, and she is almost breathless as she looks at him.

She is very beautiful, but even at IT school she has always been frail, almost breathless all the time.

She reaches over and touches his hot forehead, gently soothing him.

What's wrong, darling?

This is a girl who never stops telling him she loves him desperately, and yet will only give herself to him if he promises marriage.

Hmmm, hmmmmm, oh, mmmmm, mmmmm!!

Oh, poor, poor darling!

She helps him out of the car.
She guides him inside and makes him sit down in a luxurious leather chair.
She stands near him massaging his neck as he moans.

Please, please, Saj! I need to be inside you, please. You need to make love to me, and only then will my pain stop, please!

She scowls down at him.

You have pains in your lavde?

What's that?

Lavde pains, penis pains?

Yeah, yeah, pains in my lavde!

Would you like something to eat, love?

Gimme water, please! Water with ice cubes!

She goes to the kitchen and returns with a long tumbler of refreshing water with ice cubes in it.

Here, my love!

Kofi takes the glass of water, stands up from the chair, unzips his trousers and then he dips his penis into the ice-cold water.

Sajili is staring at him with stunned incredulity which quickly turns to horror when she sees the tears streaming down Kofi's face.

Please, Saj! I put some love potion on my penis, and it is giving me so much pain! I need to make love to you so much, please!

She folds her arms and bites her lower lip.
She tries to look at him but her eyes keep returning to the sight of his penis inside the tumbler. From where she is standing, the visual effect of the water has made his member look like it is filling the glass.

I see. Interesting. You used some bad sex ointment and now you want to put your lavde inside my chut!


Pussy! My pussy!

Kofi nods vigorously with an imploring expression on his shattered face.

Yes, yes, Saj! I need to put my lavde in your chut badly!

You know what that means, Kofi, darling? You'll have to promise me first that you'll marry me!

Yes, yes, Saj, please! Tomorrow, today, yes, I promise! I'll marry you!

But, to be safe, I need to put a password on your lavde!


A password, my love! You can promise to marry me tonight, but in the morning, when you're free, and no longer in pain, you'll decide you don't need me after all. I can't give my chut to you free like that! If you really promise to marry me, then I will put a password on your lavde!

You'll put a password on my penis? Is that what you're trying to say?

Yes, a password. So that if you're with any other woman you won't get an erection. You'll only get an erection when you're with me.

Whoever heard of such a silly thing?

It's up to you, Kofi love. You promise to marry me, I put a password on your dick, and then you can have my chut in any position and angle you want!

If he had not been in so much pain Kofi would've laughed silly.
Is this girl sound in the head?

A password? Whoever heard of such a silly thing?

Alright, Saj! I promise to marry you! Put in your password and let's make love.

She comes towards him and stands very close to him.
She takes the tumbler from his hand and looks straight at him, her eyes serious.

This is not a game, Kofi. This is serious, so take it seriously. Believe me, it is not silly, and it is real. You must think about it well.

With his penis out of the iced water the pain is so excruciating that Kofi grabs his balls and slowly falls down on the carpet.


Alright, my sweet love!

She gets up and leaves the room.
When she comes back she is completely naked.

Kofi stares at her beautiful figure and shaved loins. Her breasts are heavy, sloping up enticingly.
He is aroused immediately.

She is holding a small glass, a little knife and a little black object.
She kneels by his side, putting the things on the floor.
She then proceeds to help him out of his clothes, and soon he is also naked.

She picks the black object and opens it, and Kofi sees that it is a ring holder.
There are two silver rings in it, one small, the other large.
Sajili takes the rings and drops them in the glass.

Suddenly she takes Kofi's left hand and pokes the tip of the knife into the tip of Kofi's ring finger.

Ouch! What's that for?

Her face is serious, and she does not utter a word as she brings Kofi's dripping finger to the glass, catching the drops of blood.

Next she nips her own ring finger, and let her blood mingle with Kofi's, and now the two rings are covered with blood.

She is muttering some words now as she takes the tumbler Kofi had dipped his penis into.

She pours a little water into the glass with the rings, diluting their bloods, and mixing it. The rings tinkle at the bottom of the glass.

She is muttering more words with her eyes closed.
She then gives the glass to Kofi.
Season 1 Episode 10

Episode Title: Setting and Testing the Password

Restricted Content: 20 Years +
Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence.


Drink half of the contents!

What kind of ugly covenant is that? I certainly won't!

Okay. Then you can get up and leave!

Pain erupts in Kofi's balls and penis again, and he snatches the glass and drinks some of the liquid.

Sajili's eyes are bright and she licks her lips with breathless delight.

Just hurry up, Saj! My penis is burning!

This is the password! Apupuchacha!

She reaches down and pulls Kofi's penis.

Chakonko Chakonko!

She now pulls Kofi's left testicle.

Achanka Lolipopako!

She holds the tip of Kofi's penis and rolls it round in an anti-clockwise direction two times.

Klinogo Tatafo!

She pushes Kofi to the side and slaps his buttocks hard two times.

Ajeeeeeii! You crazy bitch! What was that for?

She drinks the rest of the contents in the glass.
She now takes the rings from the bottom of the glass and slips one on Kofi's ring finger, and slips the smaller one on her finger.

She crosses her legs and holds out her hands, like someone doing a yoga meditation, and then she closes her eyes and murmurs under her breath for about two minutes.

She then opens her eyes.
She looks so happy, so demure, so delighted with herself, and she smiles sweetly at Kofi.

Password is set. You can't make love to any other woman without the password, and so you're stuck with me.

Kofi stares at her, not knowing whether to be angry or amused.
At first it had all appeared silly to him, but suddenly he is filled with unease.

Can it be true, or she is just pranking him? It all seems ridiculous and absolutely nonsense, but then again, the process itself had seemed scary.

She suddenly falls on him, clamping her sweet lips to his.
She is sensuous and so sexy.

She moves along him, her body sexy and sweet, silky and curvy.

(relieved, whispering)
Oh, Lord! Finally, a pussy!

His hands moves over her, down her sides, cupping her curvy buttocks.
They kiss fiercely. 
She pushes her tongue into his mouth, exploring.

Oh, Kofi, Kofi, Kofi!

My darling! My sweet beautiful Sajili darling!

She moves down his body, grabbing his manhood, positioning her lips above it.

Kofi Kuntu jerks his buttocks and sits up.
She looks at him out of a face strained with passion.

You don't want me to suck your lavde?

No, no, don't! I like it, but not tonight. The thing on my dick will make your mouth swell biiiiiig like a ship!

She takes his hand and slides it between her thighs.
She is so wet and dripping!
He moves his fingers slowly, caressing her hard little clitoris, and she moans with deep hunger, bucking her waist impatiently on his fingers.

And that is when it suddenly dawns on Kofi.
His dick is soft and flabby!
He doesn't have an erection.
This is so unlike him.

He looks at his penis which she is still holding.
There is no power in it!

It is as soft as a deflated balloon.
Kofi looks at her with sudden horror, and he pushes away from her with a little groan of fear.

Hey! Hey! What the hell have you done to my penis? Why am I still soft?

Sajili smiles demurely at him.

Don't worry, Kofi, -

(angrily, exasperated)
What's wrong with my dick?

(smiling demurely)
I passworded it, remember? I was testing it. Now, here we go!

What's the matter with you? I thought it was a joke!

She does not mind him.
She positions herself in front of him and speaks.


She pulls his penis first, and then his left testicle, and then she holds the tip of his penis and turns it in the anti-clockwise direction two times, and then she pushes him sideways so that his buttocks is showing and then she gives his buttocks two hefty slaps that cause more pain in his penis!

And then, surprisingly, his penis shoots up straight in an iron rod.
Kofi stares at her, shocked, but before he can speak she pushes him down on the floor and straddles him.

She settles herself slowly on top of him, and as he enters her he forgets all about the password on his penis!

She is a fierce one, transforming herself totally from the gentle sweet girl he knows into an insane girl.

Her waist moves faster than a piston, and she throws back her head and grips his shoulders and move faster than a jet plane.

The Jamaican Stone has dulled the sensitive parts of his penis so completely that he doesn’t feel any sensation at all, so the only libido he has going is looking at her great figure and watching her huge boobs bouncing as she moans in ecstasy and rides him senseless!

He reaches up and grabs her breasts, tweaking her nipples tenderly, and feeling the tender spots that spring up around her aureoles as her desire escalates! She falls forward and clamps her lips on his, kissing him deeply, never stopping the movements of her waist as she moves up and down on him.

She gyrates and turns like a trapeze professional, totally blowing his mind.
That Indian lady has more skills than a porno star, using Kofi’s lavde in her chut with talented finesse!

She is a performer, switching between styles and angles like a witch, contorting like a standing fan now, spinning like a ceiling fan here, dancing like a ballerina there, scissoring him, bending for him, crouching, throwing herself about like a snake, twanging on him like a bass guitar...

Kofi has never been with anyone like her!
She was a lovemaking goddess!

(whispering hoarsely) 
Heeeeerh Sajili! Eiiiii Sajili.... you're a witch! Oh, you're so sweet, baby! Don't stop it! Ahhhhhhh! Awurade Nyankopon Indian girl yi bekumi!! Aaaaaaaash! Hihihihiiiiiii...soooooooooosket!!!

The great thing is that as she rocks his lavde he stops feeling the acute pain.

It is like a balm, and the sheer relief almost makes him cry.

Eventually she gets up and kneels in front of the settee, lifting one leg up and presenting him with a breath-taking view of her buttocks, and her incredible chut jutting out between her spread thighs.

To Kofi Kuntu, a woman bent over is the most beautiful sight in the whole wild world, but to have that exquisite Indian ass turned to him, stuck in the air, is the most erotic thing he has ever seen.

He gets on his knees behind her and slips his lavde into her chut.


She looks over her shoulder and digs an elbow into his side painfully.

Shut up and klonk me!

Kofi gapes at her.


Klonk it! Klonk me, bastard! Klonk me!


She pushes herself against him, and Kofi holds her waist and rams her good and fast.


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